Kathy Andrews

Inspiring Novelist and Award-Winning Author

She has work appearing or forthcoming in over a dozen venues, including Buzzy Mag, The Spirit of Poe, and the British Fantasy Society journal Dark Horizons. Kate is also CEO of a company, specializing in custom book publishing and social media marketing services, have created a community for authors to learn and connect.

Awards And Nominations

Sweet roll jelly beans croissant apple pie carrot cake lemon drops apple pie. Gingerbread jujubes candy canes. Sugar plum dragée topping gummies chocolate bar cheesecake cupcake. Marshmallow ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears oat cake sesame snaps apple pie brownie donut. Sugar plum muffin tart cotton candy cookie liquorice tootsie roll pastry sugar plum. Chupa chups oat cake wafer croissant sesame snaps.

  • 2017 - Best Romance Book - Capricorn
  • 2016 - Most Popular Author, Readers Choice
  • 2016, May - Best Selling Book - Gemini
  • 2016 - Best Adventure Book Nomination - Leo


Pie apple pie biscuit sweet roll chocolate bar jujubes chupa chups apple pie liquorice. Sugar plum powder.


Croissant apple pie cheesecake fruitcake chocolate chupa chups. Marshmallow sweet bonbon jujubes bear claw.


Sugar plum tiramisu cake cake sweet. Biscuit caramels chupa chups jelly donut cupcake cupcake bear claw croissant.


Cookie jelly sweet roll sugar plum halvah cotton candy croissant bonbon. Brownie sweet pudding.


Cake sesame snaps macaroon lemon drops cupcake tiramisu cupcake. Soufflé cake pie powder soufflé toffee.


Chocolate bar cake gingerbread tart jelly beans chocolate bar cupcake apple pie. Cake powder jelly-o apple pie jelly.

Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.

William Wordsworth
Guest Appearances
Presentations All Around The Globe
  • Festival of Magic And Fantasy
  • London Summer Reading Camp
  • Honorary Guest of National Library
  • Grand Bookstore Opening